The Majestic Short Eared Owl
After recent visits to the Dee Estuary, one of my favourite places, to observe and spend time with the majestic Short Eared Owl I've finally got round to processing a few images of these fabulous birds.
Being in the very privileged position to be able to see these wonderful birds throughout the year I get to photograph them at a variety of stunning locations and each has its own unique attraction but I have to admit that I have a special fondness for the Dee Estuary especially throughout the winter months as it becomes home to such a spectacular variety of wildlife that make it home for their winter plus I simply love the wildness of this vast expanse of Marshland, the wilder the better as far as I'm concerned.
I can’t think of anywhere else I’d rather be to simply watch the world go by and spend a little time with the Short Eared Owls that will reside there for the next few months, some of which may well be Scandinavian visitors that supplement our resident population that arrive on our shores in order to escape the much harsher Scandinavian winter.
I've had a fabulous time recently with these mesmerising birds, have been fortunate to have had some really good views from behind the lens, although the light and conditions have on occasion been challenging, you simply have to work with what you've got, I believe that no matter what the weather there is always an image to be had if your willing to put the time and effort in.
As I'm typing the snow has arrived here in the Peak District, so hopefully I'll be able to get out on the uplands to spend time with another favourite of mine the Mountain Hare, so watch this space but for now I'll leave you with some of my favourite images so far from behind the lens in the great British countryside and the beautiful Short Eared Owls.
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